Hydro Testing Forum
Flow Measurement CoP
The Community of Practice on Flow Measurement was established after the FP6 project Hydro Testing Alliance as a continuation of the project’s joint research programme (JRP) 1 – PIV. In 2015 the scope was widened to all flow related topics and the CoP was renamed accordingly. Particle Image Velocimetry still plays a major role in the bi-annual CoP meetings and the bilateral exchange between. However, other techniques and topics like Laser Doppler Velocimetry and alternative methods of flow sensing in field and towing tank are discussed. These are for example acoustic based methods (runtime or Doppler), electro-magnetic methods (inductive current metres) as well as thermal and pressure based methods or flow visualization techniques.
The group consists of 13 institutes and is still open for new members. As round robin tests and alike were already done some years ago within the JRP 1, the work of the CoP is now based on an open exchange between all partners attending the meetings. Every institute is requested to prepare a small presentation on a recent project or trigger discussion on a topic of interest. This works very well as all CoP members experience common challenges every now and then and often have slightly different methods to cope with. Even though most partners are competitors to some extent outside the CoP we have a very open exchange and can discuss any detail protected by our CoP agreement. We discuss the exciting stories behind each other’s papers and conference presentations. This renders the contributions and traveling very worthwhile for all CoP members.